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Mac Sulewski Project Coordinator

A well-managed build

Taking on a home renovation is a daunting task. By hiring a team of experts, you can get the results you want without the stresses you don’t. Project Coordinator Mac Sulewski and Site Manager Artur Sawczynski both have over 10 years’ project experience working on home renovations. We asked them some of the common questions posed by prospective clients about their roles and why having the Kantec project team on board might be the best decision you make.

Suk Grewal - Kantec Director

Planning for your build

Just because you’ve got your planning application in, it doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels. Now is the time to get organised so works can start as soon as your application is approved. Kantec Director Suk Grewal offers advice on how best to use this time and prepare for your project.

Party Wall

Party wall agreements, explained

Making big changes to your home can be a noisy, disruptive experience, but at least you get to enjoy the results. Your neighbours must endure many of the same inconveniences without the pay-off, which is why it’s essential to maintain good relations with them throughout the process. Nowhere is this more critical than when it comes to securing a party wall agreement.